Tuesday, 19 July 2011

The most economical way to use your Process heating system

Drying and Process heating is an integral part of production process in any industry, e.g. melting, moulding, drying, cooling, all form part of production. An economical way to use energy is the concern of every industry, more so if it involves production. Here are some ways in which energy can be saved by following some simple tips:

1.Installing heat recovery equipment i.e. Equipment to reuse heat from an already completed process makes a lot of sense.
2.Insulation of all pipe work including flanges and valves can cut costs by 5%.
3.Avoiding small production units as the equipment has to run for the full time without maximum capacity, this could lead to wastage of energy.
4.Switching off equipment after office hours and during weekends.
5.Switching over to automatic control saves more energy than working on manual control.
6.The lowest most effective temperature has to be identified and maintained during process heating, this saves money and energy.
7.Proper maintenance of the equipment is a must, regular servicing has to be ensured and a check has to be kept in order to identify equipment which has to be upgraded.
8.Alternatives to process heating can also be considered such as Microwave processing, using catalysts etc.

However, professionals in process heating can be contacted to get the best results for your industry’s heating requirements. They help not only in reducing costs but also in getting the right equipment for the right job.

Tricool specialises in thermoregulator units and other tool heaters and thermoregulators.

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